By using VIDA Inspection GmbH website, you accept the following conditions:

VIDA service and product information published in are solely for your information and better knowledge about VIDA Inspection GmbH and therefore, they may not be the most complete and precise explanation. Thus, VIDA cannot guarantee the completeness and accuracy of all the contents in its website and thus the visitor must be aware of this point and therefore, accept the risk and the condition. While VIDA aims to regularly update and increase the accuracy level of its website and its content, it does not accepts any responsibility and liability for any damage which may occur with regards to the lack of completeness, accuracy and any technical problems may appear when you are visiting or using VIDA’s website.

Under no circumstances will VIDA, its employees, or its representatives be liable for any consequential, incidental, indirect, special allowances or expenses or financial penalties, including but not limited to, profits, closure of business, loss of information or data, or loss of customers, loss or damage to property, and any third-party claims arising out of or in connection with the use, copying or presentation of this site or its contents or any other related site, whether VIDA was informed, knew or should have known of this possibility.

For any concern about the information on VIDA’s website, please contact:

VIDA Inspection GmbH is a Swiss Company; therefore, any dispute shall be referred to Swiss jurisdiction law.

VIDA Inspection GmbH

Efringerstrasse 10

4057 Basel

